How to Unfollow Someone on Facebook

Unfriending people on Facebook is a necessity sometimes when you no longer feel the need to be friends on Facebook anymore but to some extent. It is quite harsh and severe when Facebook has given you a clever and skillful way to quieten them alternatively which is simply to unfollow. It is better to unfollow than to unfriend.

 Unfollow Someone on Facebook

Your Facebook feed will always give update you on the people you follow. Your feed changes every time someone you follow makes a post, which can activate Facebook notifications that flood you with posts you probably dislike.

You can decide to silence the notifications but not the posts. Your Facebook feed which is supposed to be so much fun becomes boring because of a Facebook friend who continuously shares articles and videos that offend or bore you. To curb this, you can consider unfollowing them as this is not as brutal as you think.

When you unfollow someone on Facebook, they continue to be on your friend list. However, their posts will no longer appear on your feeds at will and the good part is they won’t know that you unfollowed them.

If you choose to unfollow instead of unfriending such Facebook users then this article is for you, keep scrolling.

Ways to Unfollow Someone on Facebook

There are several ways to unfollow a Facebook friend. You can unfollow them from their post, profile pages, news feed preferences, and settings menu.

Unfollow Someone From a Facebook Post

One of the ways to unfollow someone on Facebook is from their post, below are the steps to follow to unfollow someone:

Step 1:

Enter your Facebook feed

Step 2:

Go to any post made by the person you wish to unfollow

Step 3:

Select the three dots on the top right of their post

Step 4:

From the options given, select and click “unfollow”

Once you click on unfollow, you would have successfully unfollowed the user, but be aware that your posts will still be seen by them and although you won’t see their posts anymore, you remain Facebook friends.

Unfollow From Their Profile Page

One of the ways to unfollow someone on Facebook is from their profile page, below are the steps to follow in order to unfollow someone:

Step 1:

Enter the profile page of the person you wish to unfollow.

Step 2:

Navigate to their cover photo, just around it, are three dots, select and click on them.

Step 3:

From the options given, select and click on Unfollow.

If you have done this, you have successfully unfollowed your friend, you will no longer be notified about their posts nor see them but they will see yours and still be your friends.

Unfollow From News Feed Preferences

One of the ways to unfollow someone on Facebook is from your news feed preferences, below are the steps to follow in order to unfollow someone:

Step 1:

Go to your profile page on Facebook.

Step 2:

Click on the down arrow on the menu bar or the three horizontal lines at the bottom depending on if it’s a browser or an app.

Step 3:

From the options shown, click on select “News Feed Preferences” or settings before “News Feed preferences” depending on if it’s a browser or an app.

Step 4:

From the options given, select and click on “Unfollow people and groups to hide their posts”.

Step 5:

Select the friend you wish to unfollow and click “done”.

Unfollow Someone From the Facebook Settings Menu

One of the ways to unfollow someone on Facebook is from your news feed preferences, below are the steps to follow in order to unfollow someone:

Step 1:

Go to Facebook.

Step 2:

Go to your menu page.

Step 3:

Click on settings & privacy.

Step 4:

From the menu click on the settings.

Step 5:

Under settings is profile then profile settings.

Step 6:

Scroll and click on News Feed from under Feed settings.

Step 6:

You will be taken to what’s in your feed menu, there, select Unfollow.

Step 7:

Several profiles, pages, and groups will be shown to you, click on the profile of anyone you wish to unfollow.

What Happens When I unfollow my Friends on Facebook

What happens when you unfollow your Facebook friend is that their posts and stories immediately stop displaying on your feed.

Also, take note that unfollowing your friend is very different from unfriending or unblocking them, this means that you continue to receive birthday notifications because regardless of unfollowing them, you remain Facebook friends.

The bottom line is that you no longer see their posts. Besides that, every other Facebook function is not affected, such as messaging. The process works the same way if your friend unfollows you, and the setting remains until you click the follow button again.

Do My Friends Receive Notifications When I Unfollow Them?

Friends and even non-friends do not receive a notification when you unfollow them. If you follow them again, they still won’t get any notification but they can see your post and comment on them.

Can I Re-follow my Unfollowed Facebook friends?

Oh yes, you can. Facebook allows you to change your mind if you choose to refollow those you have once unfollowed.

To do so, simply follow the steps of unfollowing a friend and instead of clicking unfollow, click on “Reconnect with people and groups you unfollowed” and click on the person you want to reconnect with, once done, you are following your friend again, you will see their posts and also get notifications.

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