Who Views My Facebook Profile

Who Views My Facebook Profile?

Facebook is a platform where its users share major parts of their lives with their family and friends. So it is only normal when...
Delete Facebook Posts

How to Delete Facebook Posts

Facebook is one of the oldest social media platforms and so many users joined a long time ago, with no experience, some posts were...
Lock Your Facebook Profile

How to Lock Your Facebook Profile

Facebook is an awesome place to be social without actually being social. The social media platform has slowly crept into every part of our...
Delete Facebook Page

How to Delete Facebook Page

Social media is fun but sometimes it seems to be a distraction to your goals and aspirations and you may wish to be free...
Delete Facebook Account

How to Delete Your Facebook Account: Complete Guide

Facebook is one of the best places to be when it comes to surfing the net and having a pretty good time but the...
When Did Facebook Come Out

When Did Facebook Come Out

In the social media world, Facebook has risen to become a household name that has transformed the concept of communication and is singlehandedly connecting...
Log out of Facebook

How to Log Out of Facebook

Facebook is a platform that allows people to connect to share their photos, videos, and thoughts with families and friends. In recent times, Facebook has...
Post on Facebook

How to Post on Facebook

Facebook is a platform with billions of users all over the world, which enables family and friends to connect alongside enjoying entertaining posts in...
Does Facebook Notify Screenshots

How Does Facebook Notify You of Screenshots

In recent times, social media has blended into society and become a norm in everyday living. Facebook however is the most used and popular...
Delete a Facebook Group

How to Delete a Facebook Group

Facebook groups are good platforms for like-minded people to share their passion and interests, creating such groups where people can come together is usually...