Bootstrap – Importance of Using Bootstrap

Bootstrap is an open-source and free CSS framework for front web development. It is made in a way that eases the web development process by providing a collection of syntax for template designs.


In a nutshell, bootstrap assists web developers to build websites faster without worrying about basic functions or commands. It offers web developers HTML, CSS, and JS-based scripts for different web design-connected components and functions.

In this article, we will discuss all the benefits of using bootstrap and this platform is an excellent choice for web developers to boost their workflow.


The primary target of bootstrap is to create or develop a responsive, mobile-first website. It provides all the various interface elements of the development of a website on all screen sizes. Bootstrap is available in precompiled and based on a source version. While professional developers prefer the latter as bootstraps allow them to customize the style to suit their project.

Nevertheless, bootstrap includes a package manager that manages and updates frameworks, libraries, and assets. The most popular package managers include composer, Npm, and Bower. While the Composer focuses on the front end of your work on PHP-based projects, Npm manages server-side dependencies, or you can use Bower as an alternative.

Bootstrap communities emerge due to their increasing popularity. These are the ideal platform where web designers or web developers can share knowledge and discuss the most recent patches for Bootstrap.

Bootstrap Main Files

Bootstrap consists of 3 primary files Bootstrap.css, Bootstrap.js, and Glyphicons a collection of syntax compiled. These key framework files help users to manage the interface and functionality of a website.

However, take note that to run JS plugins and components, bootstrap needs a JS library normally known as jQuery. The 3 framework files will be discussed now.


This is a CSS framework that manages and arranges the layout of a specific website. CSS deals majorly with the layout of a web page, while its structure and content work with HTML. Either way, both structures are required to coexist together to perform a specific function.

Web developers can create a uniform appearance on as many pages as possible with Bootstrap.css and its function. With this, developers don’t need to spend more time on manual editing.

You can simply refer a web page to a CSS file instead of coding from scratch. In that file, you can do any necessary alternation only that file.

The functions of CSS are not limited only to text styles. Hence, you can use them to format other aspects of a website, such as the image layouts and tables. Although, lots of declarations and selectors is available on CSS, memorizing them all can take some time.


Bootstrap.js is the core part of bootstrap. It consists of JavaScript files that enable website interactivity. Web developers tend to jQuery a popular open-source, cross-platform JavaScript library instead of spending time writing JavaScript syntax numerous times.

Below are some examples of jQuery functions:

  • For creating widgets with a collection of JavaScript plugins.
  • To carry out AJAX requests such as subtracting data from another location dynamically.
  • For creating custom animations using CSS properties.
  • Includes dynamics to the website’s content.

Though Bootstrap with CSS features and HTML elements can function just fine, it equally requires jQuery to create a responsive web design. If not, you may use the bare, static parts of the stylesheet language.

Thus, since this is an essential part of web development all software engineers are urged to learn more about jQuery.


One integral part of the front end of a website is the icons since they frequently display actions and data within the interface of the user. Bootstrap makes use of icons called Glyphicons that consists of a Glyphicons Halflings set.

They perform their vital functions regardless of whether the design is basic and they are free to use. Glyphicons offers a wide range of premium sets for niche-specific sites for sale.

Flaticon, GlySearch, and Icon8 are various websites that allow you to download individual and theme-specific icons free of charge. You can override the default style with the CSS font size feature to change the size of Glyphicons.

Importance of Using Bootstrap

The interface elements of Bootstrap include buttons, grid systems, picture carousels, and navigation bars.

Here are some advantages of adopting Bootstrap over other web development frameworks in case you’re still unsure about whether it’s worthwhile to give it a shot.

Easy to use

Fortunately, learning Bootstrap is simple. There are many tutorials and online forums accessible to assist you in getting started because of its popularity.

The straightforward file format of Bootstrap is one of the factors contributing to its immense popularity among web designers and developers. Its files are organized for simple access, and editing them just needs a working knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JS.

Themes for well-known content management systems can also be used as teaching resources. For instance, Bootstrap, which is available to even novice, web developers, was used to create the majority of WordPress themes.

Bootstrap minifies the CSS and JavaScript files to lengthen the time it takes for a website to load. A further benefit of Bootstrap is that it consistently keeps developers and website’s syntax which is suitable for team-based projects.

Browser Compatibility

To help minimize the bounce rate and rank higher in search results you need to make your website accessible via different browsers. In this case, bootstrap is compatible with the latest versions of popular browsers to fulfill that requirement.

However, websites using Bootstrap should work properly on lesser-known browsers like WebKit and Gecko despite not supporting them. On smaller screens, modals and dropdowns might be restricted, though.

Responsive Grid

Without creating one from scratch, bootstrap comes with a predefined grid system. Instead of entering media queries within the CSS file, the grid system consists of rows and columns allowing you to develop a grid inside the existing one.

Furthermore, the data entry process is faster with the Bootstraps grid system. It consists of many media queries, allowing you to define each column’s custom breakpoints based on the web project requirements.

To better support desktop and mobile-based projects, the Bootstrap grid system features two container classes.  Which includes a fixed container (.container) and a fluid container (.container-fluid).

The former gives a full-width container that can adapt your project to all screen widths, whereas the former offers a fixed-width container.

Excellent Image System

With the help of its established HTML and CSS rules, Bootstrap manages image presentation and responsiveness.

Images will automatically resize dependent on the size of the user’s screen when the .img-responsive class is added. Reducing picture sizes is a step in the site optimization process, therefore doing this will improve the performance of your website.

Moreover, Bootstrap offers classes like .img-circle and .img-rounded to help modify the shape of the pictures.

Bootstrap Documentation

Bootstrap offers developers documentation to learn to use this framework for the first timer. Here are the various topics you can find on the bootstrap documentation page. They are:

Content: comprises all the precompiled bootstrap source code.

JavaScript: analyzes different JS plugins based on jQuery.

Browsers and devices: consists of all supported web and mobile browsers and mobile-based components.

Tools: shows numerous uses for the Npm scripts included with Bootstrap.

Theming: describes pre-built Sass variables to make modification simpler.

Accessibility: covers the structural markup, components, color contrast, content visibility, and transition effects features and restrictions of Bootstrap.

For fundamental procedures, the manual also offers code examples. For your projects, you can even copy and alter the code samples, saving you the time of having to start from scratch.


What is Bootstrap in coding?

A web development framework called Bootstrap facilitates quick, mobile-responsive front-end programming. For interface elements like buttons, forms, navigation bars, and fonts, it offers templated designs.

Do I Need CSS if I Use Bootstrap?

Although Bootstrap streamlines the process of creating a website, using the framework requires basic understanding of HTML and CSS. For instance, when using the container class and creating your first Bootstrap grid, understanding the CSS box model will be crucial.

Does Bootstrap Make CSS Simpler?

Anyone can begin using Bootstrap with just a basic understanding of HTML and CSS. Features that respond: The responsive CSS in Bootstrap adapts to PCs, tablets, and mobile devices. Mobile-first strategy: Mobile-first styles are a component of the main framework of Bootstrap 3.



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